degenerative disc disease
April 15, 2023
degenerative disc disease


The intervertebrate discs are one of the most important elements of the spine in such a way that it is considered healthy when the discs present in the back are in good condition. In this post we talk about degenerative disc disease, one of the most frequent causes of low back pain and cervical pain, which can limit certain activities of daily life and may require spinal surgery in the most severe cases.

What is degenerative back disc disease?

Over the years, the spinal discs wear out or degenerate, which is known as degenerative disc disease of the back. Discopathy is a pathology that appears as a consequence of the alteration of the intervertebral discs, which are losing the water content present in them.

In general terms, back disc disease begins after the age of 60, although in some cases it can appear prematurely. Disc disease can affect one or several intervertebral discs, depending on the progression of the disease and the personal characteristics of each patient.

Mention can be made of lumbar degenerative disc disease when the pathology is caused by the loss of height or thickness of one or several vertebral discs. On the other hand, the most common cause of axial pain is cervical degenerative disc disease, which causes muscle contractures.

Common symptoms of degenerative disc disease

Among the most common symptoms when a patient has back disc disease is pain, radiation, tingling or numbness, and even weakness or dexterity of the extremities. The pain appears in the cervical area and spreads to the back of the shoulder blades or to the arms.

The symptoms of this pathology will depend on its location, which on some occasions could lead the patient to have difficulty walking, turning or sitting. With the change of position, patients notice some relief.

Causes of degenerative disc disease

The aging process of people is not the only cause of the appearance of a degenerative disc disease, so there are various factors that help to suffer from this pathology such as dryness of the intervertebral discs, so that they do not allow them to perform their function in their natural form.

Some injuries, especially those that have caused some instability in the spinal disc, are also common causes of degenerative disc disease. Indirect causes could be being overweight, carrying heavy objects, sedentary lifestyle or doing certain sports activities that cause damage to the spinal disc.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The purpose of the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative disc disease is to mitigate the symptoms and put an end to it, in the most extreme cases of patients with degenerative disc disease.


The diagnosis of degenerative disc disease begins with a physical examination of the patient’s body, paying special attention to the cervical region, back, and extremities. With this study, it will be possible to observe the flexibility and range of movement that could be generating certain degenerative changes in the spine.

Faced with these symptoms, a spine specialist will evaluate them, accompanied by imaging tests such as a CT scan or an MRI.


In the milder cases of back disc disease and with the aim of reducing the pain that the patient has, the specialists will try to do a series of exercises to strengthen and flex the spine, establishing hygiene and postural control guidelines to limit the misuse that is sometimes made of the spine.

When pain persists such that, it limits activities of daily living even with the treatments mentioned above, spinal surgery may be required. At Neo Orthopaedic Clinic we have expert orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi who can help you improve the quality of personal life.

With all this, it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle, with a diet that has ingredients that have essential vitamins and minerals to strengthen the spine, balancing emotions at all times.

As has been observed throughout the post and to avoid the appearance of diseases that endanger the quality of the spine, it is essential to take care of the spine from a very early age, and with it, not lose the strength of the back and the spine, without the need to experience pain.